katyayan School, Kanpur - Affiliated to ICSE Board
Seat Available in Grade P.G. to VIII (Grades to be added every year upto XII) To be Affiliated to ICSE Board
S/N Fee Type Amount
1. Registration Charges 300
2 Admission Fee 6000
3 Security (Refundable) 2000
4 Annual Charges 3000
Total Rs. 11300
5 Monthly Fee
(P.G., Nursery & K.G.) Rs. 1800x3=5400
(1st to V) Rs. 2000x3=6000
(VI to VIII) Rs. 2200x3=6600
(IX to X) Rs. 2400x3=7200
6 Term Fee (Payable in every quarter) Rs. 900 Rs. 900
7 Class XI Fee Structure (2023-2024)
For Science For Commerce & Humanities
Registration Charges Rs. 300 Rs. 300
Admission Fee Rs. 10000 Rs. 8000
Security (Refundable) Rs. 2000 Rs. 2000
Annual Charges Rs. 4000 Rs. 3500
Total Rs. 16300 Rs. 13800
Monthly Fee XI & XII Rs. 4000x3=12000 Rs. 3500x3=11500
8 Term Fee (Payable in every quarter) Rs. 1500 Rs. 1200
Total Rs. .......... Rs. ..........