katyayan School, Kanpur - Affiliated to ICSE Board


Katyayan School aims to be an Institution of Excellence in which everyone is equal and all achievements are celebrated.

Our Ethical Value System revolves around truth, transparency and commitment. We believe in Quality Education. Penchant and pursuit of quality are evident in our every activity, in all our actions, at all times, everywhere. We prepare children for the future competitive world & adopt teaching methodologies to suit international education.

We focus on Personality Development, we strive to develop it by inculcating good habits and positive attitude in children. Physical Fitness and Well-ness is also a vital part of Developing & Learning. We provide managerial leadership skills through various co-curricular activities, which also inculcate team spirit & tolerance in them.

We strongly believe in the fact that the environment, a student studies in, is equally important for effective learning. We Serve a Child Friendly Environment that is Safe, Secure, Caring and Stimulating.

We encourage and instill a sense of social awareness among our students through Life Skills and Social Skills Awareness Programs organized in association with various renowned Social Service Organizations, NGO’s, etc.


To develop well rounded, confident and responsible individuals who aspire to achieve their full potential.


Learn, Achieve, Inspire

Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow....